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The price of oil

Oil prices, calling the price of WTI (light sweet crude rolling in the New York Mercantile Exchange and Brent rolling on the Intercontinental) Stock Exchange, the price of a barrel of oil varies from one place to another depending on several factors, such as specific gravity, or API, the sulfur content, and place extracted.
Oil demand is highly dependent on global economic growth, some economists say that high oil prices have a significant negative impact on global growth.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was formed to keep the oil price at the level of the benefit of all its members.
In recent months the price of oil has dropped dramatically, exceeding the decline below $ 54 a barrel.

Prices were in January 1999 has reached a low barrier, reaching $ 16 (rates in the entire article in dollars per barrel of oil), after an increase in oil production from Iraq coincided with the Asian financial crisis, which led to the decline in demand .

Prices then increased rapidly, to more than double by September 2000 amounted to $ 35, then dropped again until the end of 2001, then headed to the increase in Mttrd, and amounted to 40-50 by September 2004, and in October 2004 the price of crude light up futures Weathered $ 53 in November delivery contracts and $ 55 in December contracts.
Crude oil prices rose to a record high above $ 60 in June 2005, and this trend has continued in early August 2005, futures rose to about $ 65, as demand for gasoline rally continued despite the high prices, reached price of crude oil peaked in July in 2006 he won more than $ 77, and in December 2006 was about $ 63.

In September 2007, Texas crude surpassed the $ 80, multiple factors caused the rise in these prices, including that an increase in OPEC production was lower than expected, falling stock prices in the United States at less than expectations of experts, and changes in federal oil policies, offering six lines pipes attacked by leftist groups in Mexico, and in October 2007 the US light crude rose above $ 90 for the first time, due to a combination of tension in eastern Turkey, and the devaluation of the dollar.

January 2008, the price reached $ 100, but prices have not been able to stay above the $ 100 mark until the end of February.
Broke Oil $ 110 barrier on March 12, 2008 and the barrier of $ 125 on May 9, 2008, and reached $ 130 at May 21, 2008, and $ 135 at May 22, 2008, and reached $ 140 at June 26, 2008 and $ 145 in the July 3, 2008.

July 11, 2008, oil prices rose to a new record high of $ 147.27 after a recent escalation of anxiety after Iranian missile tests, but oil prices fell more than $ 20 over the next two weeks, to go back to around $ 125 a barrel in July 24, 2008, and the form of reduced demand for oil in the United States the most powerful factor in the decline.

Continued to decline, reaching its lowest price in three months, about $ 112 a barrel, in the August 11, 2008, and September 15, the price of oil fell below $ 100 for the first time in seven months, and in October 11 came to $ 77.70 per barrel as stock markets fell global, reaching below $ 70 on October 16, 2008, and as of November 18, 2008, the price of a barrel of oil to $ 54 a barrel.

Oil prices, such as prices of all commodities, are subject to large fluctuations over time, especially those associated with the cycle of business When the increasing demand for a commodity such as oil beyond the productive capability, the price will rise very sharply because both demand and supply is inelastic largely in the short term, Fmsthlkua oil may Asdmoa of high oil prices dramatically, but their habits determine their consumption to him, they take time to adjust, but that both companies and individuals they figure out ways to reduce oil consumption in response to higher prices, and higher prices encourage new investments in finding sources New.
When supply exceeds demand, on the other hand, prices should collapse until the marginal cost of production becomes greater than the price, setting off oil wells with closure because it has become uneconomical, at least temporarily, and thus decreases the supply increases the price again.

What we produce is of a barrel of oil

What we produce is of a barrel of oil?
Extracted from a lot of refined oil and by-products which may not be known to the average consumer, despite the daily use of it, and this report highlights the many materials produced per barrel of oil.
It is understood that the barrel contains 42 US gallons (US gallon = 3.785 liters) or 159 liters.
The world consumes about 90 million barrels per day of oil and liquid fuels "89 mb / d in 2011, and 89.4 mb / d in 2012, including 18.5 mb / d to the United States, and 10.3 mb / d to China and 4.7 m b / d to Japan ", which is more than 32 billion barrels per year means.
And everyone knows products such as gasoline and diesel, which are extracted from the oil, and indeed most of the resulting oil is used as fuel in its different forms, but some may not know that the glasses, CDs, components of computers, toothpaste, shampoo and other extracted from the well of black gold.
According to the US Energy Information Administration data, a barrel of crude oil produces 45 gallons of various petroleum products monitored by the following table, noting the different ratios depending on the recycling operations.
Gasoline : It has many uses, including fuel, generators and other trucks.
Diesel : Some types are used as fuel for the engines of ships.
Jet fuel
Coke : There is a difference between Coke metal extracted from coal and coke produced from oil.
It is mainly used in Alhdid.oasalb industry.
Liquefied petroleum gas and other gases (LPG) : The so-called liquefied petroleum gas which is a mixture of some gases, and it has several types rely on the largest share of the mix, whether propane or butane.
Used widely in the heating, and some devices as an alternative to gas Alcuruvrukrbun 0.3
For example, propane is used in homes for heating.
Heavy fuel oil : It is used to generate electricity but it leaves harmful residue.
It also causes air pollution with the release of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides contaminated air.
It is used in seawater desalination plants.
Asphalt and laurel oil "bitumen" : It is used in paving roads and insulating materials because the forces of cohesion doing great.
Petrochemical : And it includes many diverse including: eyewear products, shampoo, CDs.
Other products : Also disinfectants, dentures, toothpaste, contact lenses, tires, and other artificial hearts.

How is shale oil production

How is shale oil production?
Shale oil definition: It is normal oil there is in the nature of the liquid state, within the pores of the semi-rocks deaf does not allow him to flow without opening passages of poetry reached between Msamath to where the hole production, and this improved permeability where it is the greater permeability is improving well production, and The lower permeability well production fluids from underground dropped.
And shale oil production is done through a process called hydraulic Crusted, this process requires the presence of a number of expensive heavy equipment and large-capacity pumps to pump fluid under high pressure.
And you need one of the well to a large amount of water up to five million gallons, with a mixture of chemical and quantity of coarse sand material. The purpose of President of the process, as evidenced by its name, is a rock-solid Thqiq under pressure pumping and cause cracks poetry rushes through which the liquid oil to the well, to be produced like an ordinary well. The task of chemicals to help soften the rocks to make it easier Thqigaha. During the process of Athqiq rush-grained sand to settle in the rocky crevices and keep it open after the demise of the pressure Crusted process.
The effectiveness of treatment producing hydraulic Crusted layers in a manner very much depends on the quality of used fluids and their properties, where the hydraulic fluid Crusted consists of 99.5% water and sand, and 0.5% and additives are chemicals that help Crusted process.
Liquid must have a good able to maintain the sand particles suspended in it until you reach the updated in-class notch, but at the same time should check less loss of pressure as a result of friction between the liquid and the walls of the pipes, which is pumped through it in the well, so usually is the use of two types of liquids, In the beginning, using a liquid for a few wife to be able to bring about cracks easily and then use a high-viscosity liquid to transport sand granules to cracks.
Also plays loss leaching an important role in the dimensions of the cracks that are obtained, the more the loss leaching slightly whenever the deepest notch in the class (the radius of the region's largest) cracked, and vice versa whenever he lost a large cold whenever incision is smaller and the impact of lost leaching on the dimensions of the cracks bigger much of the impact of the rate of fluid in the class as well as viscosity.
Thus, the fluid should choose to suit the conditions existing in the class, especially with regard to the nature of the fluid which they are located and from this point of view, the fluid used in the hydraulic Crusted can be divided into three groups:
1. with an oil based fluids.
2. with water-based fluids.
3. mixed fluids from Msthaliat type.
Maintaining the cracks process is also considered after re-Crusted means of a very important class to the success of this treatment process, which is done by injecting a solid material removed from the surface by means of Crusted In the second stage after a Crusted.
Of material that keeps the incision open and expensive to use are: grains of sand Alkuartza which must be homogeneous and spherical dimensions, as well as aluminum or glass granules or a mixture of sand and aluminum Alkuartza ....... etc.
And these granules must have the following conditions:
- Great resistance to compression.
- Crusted not be affected by liquid or fluid in the existing class.
- To enjoy good Bnfoveh when Andgatha by the walls of the notch after decreasing the pressure in the Kabqh result of the withdrawal of the liquid after treatment.
- Be easy to prepare and low costs.
The dimensions of the particles depends on the permeability of the layer where used granules Boavadd ranging from (0.5 to 0.8 mm) in order to few permeability, either for higher-permeability layers Vtstaml granules with dimensions ranging from (0.8 to 1.5 mm) in order to secure the capacity large flow through the cracks formed.
It is characteristic of shale oil production that very few compared to the quantity of production of conventional oil, and production well lose more than 70 per cent of its production during the first year. And graded descent of production for two or three years until it reaches the level of uneconomic. And then re-Crusted process or drilling a new well.
And range from digging the rocky cost of the well in the United States from four to eight million dollars. If we take into account the availability factor of competition between the various companies there and trained manpower, the bringing of one of those companies outside the United States, as the Middle East, will pay the costs to weakness at the very least, not to mention the scarcity of water in desert environments.
And here we must note that the shale oil production was not as a result of the development of new technological methods have contributed to facilitate the extraction of this type of oils, or that it happened after that was discovered commercial quantities of oils non-traditional, Oil shale was known its existence for decades. And the process of hydraulic Crusted with all its components and details were the other known a long time ago and operates most of the oil companies around the world. The producers, who pay finally to resort to non-conventional oil production is high-cost prices that exceeded the hundred-dollar a barrel level in the past years. And to what degree, the feeling that the traditional cheap oil production has been verging on the highest level, with the continuity of increasing global demand for energy sources, where he became a full does not meet the growing energy requirements of the international community.
In the oil-producing wells shale rock size is very limited and only a short distance from the vicinity of the well. Once you start down the production quantity by a large margin, as is seen in the chart above. Terms of the amount per well production rate is less than 500 barrels per day and diminished significantly during the first three years of life, which requires re-Crusted process or drilling new wells, which is likely. While the production of conventional oil wells rate of more than three thousand barrels per day and the age of the well may extend to more than 20 years. Whatever we add new wells and renewed life of old wells, quantity of production will remain modest and the process is very expensive. And ranges from the cost of producing a barrel of shale oil, and most of the non-conventional oils rate, between 60 - $ 80, compared with an average of 10-40 dollars a barrel for the production of conventional oil.
Mention here that the hydraulic Crusted her process of negative effects on the surrounding environment the well, under and above the ground; what makes the production process is subject to the laws of maintaining strict environment which may amount to stop or carry large sums additions, and this applies to cases of shale oil production outside the US United.

Thermal method in enhanced oil recovery process

Thermal method in enhanced oil recovery process
How heat is used to increase oil production?
There are four major types of enhanced oil recovery based on the heat that makes thick and viscous oil more movement and therefore easier to extract.
oil - petroleum
1. Combustion topical :
This method includes setting fire to some of the oil in the reservoir, resulting in hot gas and steam. It goes without saying that this method is more four thermal methods need to be implemented for the Wiz as it should. In general, this method is only used in a reservoir permeability larger (so that the oil can flow easily through the cracks in the reservoir rock) and even when it should be resorted to as a last resort.) To implement this method is lowered into the well Meshaal and oxygen is injected to help ignite the oil. Although some oil loses during the burning process, but the interest is that a large amount of residual oil can be drawn so that the heat may be reduced viscosity. On the other hand steam product it helps push oil through the reservoir and down to the wells while working brought about by the combustion gases in a manner similar record as a method for the production of oil by pay using gas (energy produced from the expansion of gas oil from the reservoir to pay well production abroad).
2. Steam annular :
This method of thermal EOR methods also another name for the same closer knows which is "blowing" (Puff). What distinguishes this approach from other methods is the lack of two wells separate one for injection and the other for production. Instead, it is the steam injection and production of the well fluids from the same well. First, steam is injected into the reservoir to heat the part adjacent to the column and the well is the so-called PAL (Huff). This would make the oil flow more easily, but the steam needs time to do its work. So what the injection process to be completed until the well is closed temporarily, which is known in the oil industry, the process of closure or saturation (Soak). When hot steam comes into contact with the cold reservoir rock somewhat it condenses and becomes hot water, which produces more heat that is also in its turn, improve the flow of oil more. A few days later open the well again and is pumping oil and water mixture located around the well to the surface (Puff) to descend to the level of oil in the mixture to a very low level. At this point, the whole process can be re-again. Once the link between the wells flow line becomes possible to convert the annular steam injection project to project full immersion of steam.
3. Immersion steam (or push oil by steam) :
 This method involves injecting steam into the reservoir and constantly play its role as it should be when the reservoir is of good permeability and reservoir rock was not cracked. If the reservoir rock cracked steam will be heading directly through these cracks to the production wells, rather than make his way across the reservoir rock. Once injected steam accumulation in the reservoir and with this shift accumulated steam injector well away from the steam begins to condense water to become hot. The condensation process launches latent heat, which helps the oil to flow more easily. And thus accumulated oil rushes in front of hot water in the direction of producing wells. There is the added benefit is that the light hydrocarbons evaporate by heat and with the accumulated driven by steam and mixed with oil, which is relatively heavier to make it flow more easily and this-immersion method takes advantage of the way the steam enhanced oil recovery using a miscible gas.
4. Discharge of oil and gas by gravity method using heat :
The discharge of oil and gas by gravity method using the ideal temperature in the reservoir which dominated so many cracks that steam is injected directly into these cracks so that the heating of the reservoir rocks and thus lowers the viscosity of the oil, which contain the seat. Contrary to what is the case for immersion process steam does not appear there is a need for steam to the payment of oil to the production wells, but only required of him is to make the oil flow more easily. This procedure allows gravity to give the desired result which makes the oil down into the cracks and from there to the horizontal production wells are present in almost the bottom of the reservoir. One of the big challenges facing the company in the company need to see how that is bound to every crevice with the other prong. It is known that this process produces huge amounts of contaminated water which must be disposed of in a manner not harmful to the environment.

Activity stages of the petroleum industry

Activity stages of the petroleum industry
1 - initial research stage Scout
Oil companies based in the research stage Scout initial on the available information with other oil companies already have implemented Search Scout principled in those areas and in those cases where the information about the area are not available for being new areas previously not been searched, the oil companies doing business the initial disclosure itself or by a company specializing in this field.

oil - petroleum
2 stage - contracted with petroleum countries
If it turns out the results of the initial research stage Scout presence of oil, the company seeks to contract with the petroleum countries.
3 - the stage of research and exploration
After the contract between the oil companies and countries PETROLEUM The company carries out research and exploration which include:
* Find works of geological, geophysical surveys, exploratory drilling, documentary study,
Geological research work: being searched by geological geological area where the air is cleared area using private jets, and then start scanning surface operations and includes the study of rock formations above the ground
* Find Geophysical: Includes Find Geophysical Ali area of ​​gravity, a measure differences minor in attractive rocks where attractive vary porous rocks for non-porous rocks which are considered fisheries Petroleum ,, and space magnetic defining the rocks high magnetism where it is excluded that there is oil in this region and area namely, that the seismic are drilled deep well and then erupted in the bottom of the well and are shipped dynamite balance audio waves resulting from the blast bounce to determine the time of petroleum traps
* Exploratory drilling: The purpose of the work of exploratory drilling to confirm the actual presence of oil in the ground and this is done by drilling a well and at least one
* Documentary study made after the discovery of oil and select the field limits
4 - stage drilling and development wells productivity
5 stage - the production of crude oil
At this stage, crude oil is extracted from the bottom to the surface and processed for the possibility of oil and gas separation of impurities like sulfur, water and transferred to the warehouse
6 - stage oil refining
It is intended to convert petroleum into many of petroleum such as benzene and diesel oil products
7 - stage oil and petroleum products transportation
Used in the transport of crude oil or petroleum products, many of the most important means of pipelines and oil tankers

How to extract oil

Drilling is the process of the most important and most dangerous operations and the most expensive, which is the only technology to extract oil from the ground, and carried oil extraction process through four basic stages:

1 - oil drilling Oil Well Drilling
Oil wells are drilled by rotary drilling (Rotary Drilling) which are used for drilling platform
It can be described briefly as follows:
Rotary drilling rig platform:
Drilling rig used in the drilling process rotational It consists of basic parts help in the drilling process.
A - drilling tower: derrick
It is a metallic tower erect above a broad horizontal platform is used in this tower
The installation process of drilling columns vertically and connected to each other, and then push it to the bottom of the helical manner
B - columns drilling: drilling pipe
It is a very solid metal poles edges expire links to connect to each other to form a longer column, characterized by drilling columns as hollow to allow the passage of drilling mud inside.
C - head drilling (Drill): bit
It is a metal block made of different geometric shapes, with sharp edges may be
In the form of gears working to break up a rock hollow and contain holes in
Down impulsively allow drilling mud into the hole through which the cavity.
D - drilling mud: mud
It is a mix chemicals ground water to be thick liquid. During the drilling process
This fluid is pumped by huge pumps through the cavity inside the drill pipe
To reach the drill head, and out through the slots in the bottom of the well rushes onward to even higher
Up to the surface, carrying with him the rock cuttings resulting from the drilling process, and on the surface passes
Mud on the candidate separates rock crumbs from the mud. And then push the mud back to the
Drill pipe cavity and the ball comes back to be what is known as drilling mud cycle.
And can the benefits of using drilling mud summarized as follows:
Cooling of drilling equipment, where the temperature rises due to friction v rocks during drilling.
Directed by rock fragments resulting from the drilling process v during rush of mud from the bottom of the well to the surface.
Increase the cohesion of the wall to prevent drilling v collapse of the walls of the hole during drilling.
Avoid the release of gas or fluid in v under high pressure into the ground, which may lead to the case of an explosion in the well, by balancing the weight of the mud column in the existing drilling pressure of gases and liquids in rock layers.
2 - lining the well Well Casing
When access to certain drilling depths are lining the well pipe steel tube called a lining (Casing) this tube is lowered from the top of the well to the pump room and prove the special quality of the cement between the pipe and the borehole wall lining works to install the pipe in the wall. This prevents the pipe from the collapse of the well, and also prevents the loss of mud during the height of the earth's surface and that Btakllah through the walls of the well (especially if the porous permeable rock) or through the cavernous cavities may be present in some areas of drilling. Also, this tube prevents the leakage of groundwater-bearing layers of the earth to the well. Qatar and have a great Folding tube at the top and gradually getting smaller to greater depths. Before you start digging a new phase of the well conducted by lining tube after it is installed in concrete, with a well under drilling tower platform, composed the well head of the group, ceiling (Flanges), fittings and valves arrive Boallagha blocker device explosion (Blow out Preventer, Bop) which will enable them to prevent Exit gas or oil or water during drilling until the drilling and casing operations and other safe.
3 - perforation drill pipe:
At the end of the drilling and ensure access to the oil-bearing strata is lowered shipment of certain explosives occur explosion limited allows Pttguib the drill pipe and the widening cracks in the reservoir rock, and may be perforation process in two different depths in the same well, and thus become the well double production as in shape and if you do not the flow of oil it is lowered appropriate amount of hydrochloric acid, especially in the limestone layers to increase the permeability of the rocks, and may be Rifts rock layer using high pressure to allow the entry into force of the oil to the bottom of the drill pipe.
After perforating the well it is lowered diameter tube about three inches inside the well, if the double production of the well, is inserted padding between production tube and tube-fold over the bottom area Vidvq oil production from this layer through this tube. As for the production of top Vidvq region of space between the production tube and folding tube.
4 - Holiday Christmas s Tree Christmas Tree
During the drilling of the well is filled with heavy drilling mud even possible to overcome the pressure. This allows at the end of drilling operations and requirements to lift the mind blast (BOP) without gravity. Then install the wellhead and conducting tube and tube production Folding at the top of the tower.
The wellhead is a set of valves and fittings through which can control the flow of oil, the well head and called in this case Christmas tree festival (Christmass Tree). And then displaced mud from Folding pipe to pump water until the water becomes less of oil pressure in the layer produced and when it pays a mixture of oil and gas in front of the water in the well and begin production

Detection of oil

Detection of oil
There are three ways to discover oil and gas, namely:
(1) examine the surface of the earth in search of evidence of the presence of oil-bearing formations.
(2) the use of remote sensing to explore the surface of the rock layers below the surface.
(3) the work of measurements in the well.

Each of these methods to study the Earth at three different depths of different lengths ranging between Alanchat and mileage. Begins search for oil search for tank (which is a layer of rock that can detain oil) and the roof is a port stop the vertical movement of the oil and captured in the tank. Even drilling of the well is completed it is difficult to ascertain the presence of oil ... all you can to make sure it is a structure that can contain oil.
 Can modern geology include evidence of oil to be, and sometimes just a few of the leading drilling meters to detect the course of an ancient river, or the way the dunes formed on top of each that.
Geologists draw maps of underground mines and study rocks that have been made to divide the highways, and can fish with this slide represent a small window on what lay beneath them and the great depth.
oil - petroleum
Infrared image of the surface of the earth taken from a satellite or aircraft, and can help us to draw rock formations that may contain oil.
To make sure the presence of hydrocarbons in the field somewhere, you must dig a few wells to help raise Alheidrokarbur to the earth's surface. Long and Drill who digs the ground by metal stick rotates at a rate of 60 or 120 rpm, this drill can dig tens of meters in one day.
 Drill works accompanied by including known as ((drilling unit)), which is a special material poured into the well in order to facilitate the work and in order to avoid sudden flow of oil from the well when the drill up to the class that the oil be limited. Often tends Alheidrokarbur liquid and solid and gaseous about the well automatically.
This what happens in a normal field or in pockets inside the rocks, as can natural gas be carried out abroad. In most cases, Alheidrokarbur heading towards the outside, but rather in some cases, experts have intentionally to create artificial pressure to eject Alheidrokarbur by sending the amount of water or air to the interior.

Oil well drilling

Oil well drilling
The oil drilling by rotary drilling (Rotary Drilling) that uses the drilling platform, which can be described briefly as follows:
Rotary drilling rig platform: the drilling platform used in the drilling process rotational It consists of basic parts help in the drilling process.

oil - petreleum
A - drilling tower: derrick
It is a metal erect tower over a broad horizontal platform and uses this tower Faamlah install drilling columns vertically and connected together, and then push it to the bottom of the spiral manner.
B - drilling columns: tige de forage
It is a very solid metal poles edges ending links to connect to each other to form a longer column, characterized by drilling columns as hollow to allow the passage of drilling mud inside.
C - the drilling head (Drill): bit
It is a metal block made of different geometric shapes, with sharp edges may form Tkongly gears working to break up the rock and is hollow and contains holes in the bottom to allow the rush of drilling mud into the hole through which the cavity.
D - drilling mud: mud
It is a mix of chemicals ground water to be thick liquid. During Alhfreetm process of pumping the liquid by huge pumps through the cavity inside Alhverlysal pipe to drill head, and out through the openings of the rushes in the bottom of the well up into the higher Anyaisal to the surface, carrying with him the rock fragments resulting from the drilling process, and on the surface Amraltin candidate separates crumbs rock on clay. And then push the mud back to the
Drill pipe cavity to come back the ball and have what is known as drilling mud and the cycle can be the benefits of using drilling mud summarized as follows:
Cooling of drilling equipment, where the temperature rises due to friction with rocks during drilling.
Directed by rock fragments resulting from the drilling process during rush of mud from the bottom of the well to the surface.
Increases the cohesion of the wall to prevent the collapse of the drill hole walls during drilling.
 Avoid the release of gas or liquids that are under high pressure into the ground, which may lead to an explosion in the case of the well and by balancing the weight of the mud column in the drilling of the pressure of gases and liquids in the rock layers.

Oil refining

Oil refining
Crude oil in his image (crude oil) is useful, to take advantage of it processed a series of operations, and called on the oil refining processes, which result in a range of useful products (Petroleum Products), and pass the oil refining process usually following phases:
First, the initial treatment:
include getting rid of water and salts associated with the oil, which is an important step leading up to the distillation process to the fact that the presence of water and salts in the distillation tower cause serious problems, may result in the presence of water burst distillation tower tremendous pressure that results from Tboukralme, The salts causing erosion ( corrosion) iron material made from the tower.
Second: the distillation process (Distillation):
It is important process and key, which is made in a huge towers, and the resulting oil is separated into its components and, in general, most petroleum derivatives resulting from the fractional distillation tower oil are as follows:
1. gas (petrol ether), a product consisting of a small number of organic compounds, most of which is a light hydrocarbons such as methane, ethane, ethylene, propane, butane and other Often the number of carbon atoms ranging in its constituent of 1-4 vehicles and condense at temperatures boiling point less than 25 degrees m and uses this derivative in cooking gas production (Albiotagaz) and the production of other gases such as acetylene gas used in welding operations, as this is a very important substance derived Petrochemical Industries feed.
2. Light liquids (light petrol), the most important producer of gasoline (gasoline) (motor fuel) and ranging number of carbon atoms in compounds 5-9 and condenses at temperatures of 35-150 is the fact that the product of the most important petroleum derivatives Due to extensive him in each of Use Countries of the world.
3. kerosene (kerosene) between the number of carbon atoms in this derived from 9-15 carbon atoms and condenses at 150-250 and is used as fuel for jet aircraft (jet engine fuel), as the type of lousy it is used as fuel in a cheap industrial Almncoat and homes.
4. diesel or diesel fuel (Diesel) means heavier than kerosene used as fuel in factories and huge engines and trucks.
5. Heavy fluids (lubrication oil) is composed of compounds condense when at temperatures higher than 300 degrees heat meters and are producing various including lubricating oils, is also considered an important source of petroleum industries where can convert part of it to light derivatives Kgazulan by known petroleum operations such as thermal cracking and catalytic cracker.
6. asphalt (asphalt), a residue accumulated in the bottom of the tower is composed of organic compounds (Hedrokronat, etc.) with high molecular weight and boiling points are too high and are used in the construction of concrete coating and painting ships in Tzfeyt roads and pavement.
oil - petroleum
Third, improve the specification:
After obtaining these derivatives it is not marketed directly to it in fact is not valid for use until now, and in order to be valid for use to be making some improvements to be convenient to use required if taken, for example, gasoline directly from the distillation tower and put in the car, the engine will work accompanied by severe Boukbt and noise, even kerosene used directly as a fuel for the plane to the plane fell to contain kerosene is the processor on a waxy material freezes in pipes plane conductivity at low temperatures in the high atmosphere.
If you must do some operations that make derivative ready for use and this is what is known as the (improved specifications) .valjasulan output is a what is known as raising the octane Lucky Number (RON) to operate the engine in a calm and smooth as it was found that some components of the oil compounds burn caused manner knock the engine are removed and others burning quietly and monotonous (such as octane) is added more of them, as it was noted that if added some vehicles that are not in the oil originally the octane number rises considerably and gives (Petrol Excellent) such as tetraethyl lead was stopping to add this Composite gasoline because of the large environmental pollution caused by the representatives of the toxic lead oxides resulting from the combustion process.
The kerosene used in aircraft fuel are to him what is known as the process of removing the candles, a vehicle with long chains, which can easily be frozen inside the plane pipes which lead to its downfall is removed these compounds to reduce the freezing temperature of the fuel so that when you go up the plane to the upper layers of the atmosphere, the fuel freezing process irresistible because of the low temperature.
So for the rest of its derivatives are suitable for the process of improving the specifications for the use of which Sststkhaddm it.

Ways to prevent an explosion of oil wells

Ways to prevent an explosion of oil wells
You must follow these roads for the purpose of prevention of Alrvsh and prevent the explosion occurs:
You must fill in the well and monitored through withdrawals pipe where dictated every five Stanat.
Must monument inhibitors explosion before you start digging the container classes on gas, oil or water under high pressure.
You must remove any contamination of gas, oil or water from the drilling mud when it occurs.
You must constantly monitor the drilling mud when drilling in the oil layers and measure its properties.
You must control the level of the mud tanks.
Monument to measure the amount of gas mud devices (GAS DETECTOR) should also be set up to measure the amount of flow into the well devices (MUD FLOW INDICATOR).
You must provide a sufficient stock of bentonite clay materials and banner for the purpose of addressing the mud during the occurrence Alrvsh.
Measured by the amount of recycling pressure (CIRCULATION PRESSURE) before the Alrvsh movement when the pump speed (30 stroke / min) (SPM) and recorded daily in the drilling report when drilling exploratory wells.
oil - petroleum
How to control the well in the event of Alrvsh:
A must have recycling pressure (CIRCULATION PRESSURE) when pump action and quickly (30 stroke / min) (SPM) known before the Alrvsh and if not available use the following law to find it.
B - must stop the pump when feeling Balrvsh.
T - pulls the tube polygon (Kelly) to the top and then close the lightning blast and read Alamadgat read on the (stand pipe) It is advisable to open the throttle (chock) before closing the mind explosion and then gradually closed after the closure of mind blast.
W is added pressure when recycling pump action (30 strike / min) (SPM) before Alrvsh to read Alamadgat on the stand pipe (SIDP) where the result of the primary pressure.
C - the speed spins clay (30 stroke / min) (SPM) using the throttle (chock) and change the orifice so that the amount of primary constant pressure on Alamadgat on the stand pipe until it comes out all the contaminated mud.
H - increased mud weight to overcome the problem by taking the old weight plus the amount of the increase in the weight of the equation (SIDP) and taken in step (c).
G. When you infuse a new weight mud inside the pipe pressure change when Alamadgat in the stand pipe pressure from the primary to the final pressure until the arrival of the new mud to the end of the pipeline.

Crude oil processing operations

Crude oil processing operations
Accompanies the oil while coming out of the well gas and salts and water and mechanical impurities "Sand and clay" in some cases, and therefore must be separated partially these things in the field, and then entirely in the refinery.
And is associated with the separation of gases in the oil fields in the natural gas plants to isolate, then you pay to gasoline unit to separate light condensate, which are often associated with the gases, which are separated be intensified called "natural gasoline." Then push crude then to warehouses deposition, where they are separated by sedimentation mechanical impurities. After that is leachability of oil by washing salt water fresh Wash Water and pulls water then oil in units of wet oil treatment. Addresses containing a large proportion of salts by 3-5% water oil. And separates the water from the oil in some cases relatively easily. But often be fixed with a difficult chapter emulsions of oil, especially during pumping and transport operations in the tubes very quickly Mmisab get rid of it.
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(1) the separation of gases and installation of oil in fields
The gas that comes with oil while coming out of the well, must be separated from the oil. This separation in oil fields in the natural gas isolate stations, by reducing the mixture of oil and gas movement speed. The gas separation method is used at several stages in the case of high-pressure wells.
It is not enough just gas oil separation, as many left after the separation of light Alktefat that may evaporate during storage in warehouses and pour the oil in the tanks ... etc. It is therefore advisable to install in the oil fields, especially if the oil extracted contains a lot of Alktefat light, and to be carried over long distances.
And boils petroleum installed in separate Alktefat light and dissolved gases from crude. And went for this purpose fumes Alktefat light and gas after passing through the condenser to the gas separator gas separator, which separates the gas and paid by a pump to the gas network or to the gas processing plants. And directs the installer to petroleum refining factories
Sometimes using a gas separator water separator first called in this case 3-phase separator
(2) removal of water and salts from the oil
Of water and mechanical impurities "salt, sand and mud," always accompany oil during extraction. And separates the free water Free Water of petroleum in some cases, relatively easily, but it is stable emulsions with oil in others.
And must be subject to oil, which gets him in the image of the emulsion, to address the private relatively complex to be separated from the water and mechanical impurities, as the petroleum refining impurities hold a run industrial units to a large extent. If Preheat example Petroleum contain mechanical impurities in the heat exchanger, these impurities are deposited on the heating surface; thereby reducing the efficiency of the heat exchanger, and during the oil passage in the tubes at high speeds to be solid particles impact of abrasive materials, which they rub in hardware Vtpeleta prematurely . And lead mechanical impurities remain in the petroleum residue after distillation, to reduce the quality of these residues and increase the proportion of the ash (fuel boilers and coke), and to the lack of access to matching products to the specifications.
Strongly water evaporates inside with oil in heating devices, thus increasing its size dramatically increased, leading to the lifting of the pressure in the hardware and operating rates technical breach of the unit. It contains the water in the oil to a large amount of salt. These salts are available mainly in the form of chlorides NaCl, MgCl2, CaCl2, and consists of hydrochloric acid from the decomposition of calcium chloride and magnesium chloride, especially during the distillation process, and this acid eroding devices strongly.
It is clear from the foregoing that after the oil obtained from wells, must be subject to address preparatory to provide the required degree of purity.
(3) oil emulsions
There are two types of petroleum emulsions: "Water in oil", emulsions hydrophobic hydorphobic, and "oil in the water," emulsions Hedrofelih hydrophilic.
The first type emulsions more prevalent than type II. In the first type emulsions there is water in the amount of oil in the form of countless drops of infinitesimal. In the second type emulsions of oil shall be in the form of single droplets suspended in water.
The main composition of emulsions process in the following: the boundary between the fluids do not mix each other, and one of them scattered in the other the image of very small particles, accumulate a third material necessary to form the emulsion called factor emulsion or Sticky emulsion, what is the emulsifying? Factor emulsified and dissolved in a questioners component of what looks like a membrane. And obscures this membrane material dispersed droplets and prevents integration. These factors are emulsified in the oil and resins Alosfeltinat and soap Alinvtheh acids and salts. In addition to the articles mentioned, various solid impurities separated affect one of the phases on the stability of the emulsion.
Factors emulsified either Hedrofelih or hydrophobic. The resins and asphaltenes Alinvtheh acids in the oil and natural compounds factors emulsified Oedrovobah. The soaps and Alsodiomah Albotaseyoumah which consist mainly of interaction in oil Alinvtheh acids with metal salts dissolved in water drilling, they are emulsified factors Hedrofelih. And enjoy Nfetinat Ca, A1, Fe. Mg hydrophobic properties. Solid surface and pendants useless activity, but the accumulation on the interface interface, between the oil and the water makes the membrane more durable and more stable emulsion. And supports two types of emulsions are mentioned above on the existence of this kind or that of emulsified factors and installed.
The emulsion is formed by mixing water and oil in nature "oil in the water" if the installer is dissolved in water. Omaama installer was dissolved in the middle Aloedrokrbone consists of emulsion type "water in the oil."

Safety in places of oil extraction

Safety in places of oil extraction
Strategic Goals
• protect life and property from the dangers of disasters.
• reduce losses to a minimum when a disaster occurs.
• provide the necessary support and effective for the surrounding environment.
• accelerate the re reform after disasters to make sure to continue early daily life and production.
• strengthen the morale of the workers there the ability to deal with disasters and reduce their effects.

Expected types of disasters
The risks of war and sabotage installations.
Human-induced disasters, transport accidents and chemical pollution.
Natural disasters (such as Seoul – Floods – Drought and Desertification – epidemics – agricultural pest – earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides – fires petroleum or petroleum products or lawns and grasses surrounding areas as a result of drought after the spring season).
oil - petroleum
1. Put GPC top priority threads on the Safety of exploration, production and transportation operations, and human safety and the environment.

2. You should not be implementing any project before a prior environmental impact assessment and risk related to safety and health during all phases of the project.

3. The GPC will choose partners in their work based on their ability to apply the health, safety and environmental system is compatible with the General Petroleum Corporation and global standards policy.

4. The General Petroleum Corporation is committed to the Syrian and international laws and regulations.

5. Must be safety and the environment and management of appropriate quality systems for each activity, are subject to regular evaluation involves measuring the degree of performance, establishing the basic rules, schemes of work involved required, to impose appropriate control procedures. Will be based application management systems to exchange information, the study of performance, consulting and training.

6. A subsidiary of the General Organization of Petroleum companies application procedures and emergency facilities in order to respond effectively in the event of any accident. To be reviewed periodically and testing "through drills and exercises regularly for emergencies.

7.The proper attention to safety and health, environmental protection and quality of services will be a standard "important" in the performance of each member of the staff, especially "those who are in positions of responsibility .

Organic theory to be oil

Organic theory to be oil
Front of :
Was how the oil is still constitute a scientific dilemma, where scientists were divided between supporters ((theory inorganic)) that talk about mineral origin of Petroleum and supporters ((theory organic)) that restore oil to the origin of animal organic or vegetarian, which is considered one of the most hypotheses support among the scientific community.
1 and the presence of oil fields near the sea or in the sea.
2 optical properties of the oil has not only found in the origin of the organic material.
3 did not find the presence of oil in igneous rocks only casually.
70% - 4 of the oil fields are found in sedimentary rock layers of middle life forever and triangular era. The majority of the rest in the sedimentary rocks of the old life is forever
5 to find the oil fields in the Devonian strata (before Carboniferous) indicates that the plant does not have an important role in the oil formation.
6 and the presence of Alborvrin. (Properties of the material: (
(A) degrade in the presence of oxygen indicated, however, that oil is in a reductive environment.
(B) be Alborvrin of chlorophyll pigments similar or animal.
Petroleum origin of the word :
 Back to the Latin word Petroleum (BP _ Petra Oleum) which literally means rock oil, but the word of oil are Arab origin and is commonly used in European languages under the name Naphte or Naphta one of the derivatives of light oil.
And oil is the generic name for a combination of a huge number of natural chemicals called hydrocarbons. This material these compounds are made of atoms of carbon and hydrogen atoms combine in different sized particles and the arrangement and proportion.
Organic theory of oil formation :
The vast majority of scientists in this day of oil to re-form the plant and animal organic assets. It is known that this natural process began of phase Cambrian, since about 500 million years ago, as a result of various natural factors, accumulated residue objects Animal and Plant minute (Kalplancton) in the bottom of the seas and oceans and mixed with sediment and mud coming from the earth's crust and sand, and interacted during millions of years mutant very slowly to liquid hydrocarbons and gas. It is worth mentioning that this shift has occurred in isolation from the air and under the pressure of certain conditions and heat, and effect some fine particles such as bacteria anaerobic. Thus, these mud crept through organic metamorphic and sedimentary rock layers saturated them with oil formed.
So you can organic matter decomposition and transformation into hydrocarbons must be presence in the isolated from oxygen layers, as it if exposed to the air for the oxidized Otthllt consumed impact aerobic bacteria, and can these circles isolated available in the pond bottom where water movement is limited, or the Lower Page sediments in contact with the water, and after all the sediment clastic soft like clay and Alsellt can form in a vacuum Msamadtha compromise isolated and closed separates the internal water from sea water or lakes that topped, as a result of aerobic bacteria consume oxygen remaining all well quickly, and to convert this center to center is oxidizer and isolated from the air.
Thus exposed to organic matter to Alahoaúah bacteria that begin to dismantle them and analyzed in order to obtain oxygen, especially from cellulose, starches, whereupon the production of carbon dioxide and some organic compounds, also produces quantities of methane gas known as organic methane or marsh gas, in addition These Bacteria sabotaging the physical structure of the organic matter and convert them to gel known as Sbrobbel (sludges).
oil - petroleum
And stop the biochemical process with increasing sediment thickness above the organic material, and non-existent Tgaribaaly depth of one meter of mud deposited in the center isolated from the air. Then the organic material only chemical reactions are subject to constant transformation substance known as kerogen and take the transition process this long period of time, a stop at a depth of 300 to 1,000 meters.
The kerogen material is chemically stable, non-soluble in acid and alkali, water and simple organic solvents, such as chloroform, benzene, and it is resistant to the bacteria, but it oxidizes the impact of certain chemicals or as a result of exposure to air for a long time. Accompanied kerogen small amounts of material soluble in organic Alvebat, known as (bitumen), which consists of Alasvlten (asphaltene) resin (resin) and heavy hydrocarbons. It consists Alosvlten resin of the same materials that make up the kerogen, but they Kablan of decomposition in organic solvents, because the molecules consisting of two smaller than those belonging to the kerogen.
Exposed kerogen with increasing depth of Tamra (ranging between 50 and 170 ° C) and pressure (which ranges between 80 and 680 atm).
The growing heat to give the ability of chemical reactions, when the heat up to the point of 50-75 Celsius kerogen molecules begin the crash to turn into hydrocarbons smaller and bitumen which molecules are affected by the increasing heat and pressure, in turn translate into simpler and smaller particles, and so forth until the lead to hydrocarbons consisting of Petroleum .
As the temperature increases, the production of light hydrocarbons and gases increases until it reaches the stage during which dominates methane (which is the smallest and simplest hydrocarbons) on the other product, through a transitional phase from liquid to gaseous hydrocarbons, known as wet gas phase.
By the end of the wet gas phase Alkerogbn ability to produce hydrocarbons become very limited and does not exceed the production of methane little, then up to smut stage, in which the remains of kerogen turns into charcoal, while oil output turns into methane and Beropithomin (pyrobitumen). And can not accurately determine the required depth of each stage, as this depends on the thermal gradient factor, which usually ranges between 1.5 and 5 ° C per 100 m, and the estimated value of the average of 2.5 ° C per 100 m.
In this case, we can say that the oil and gas Atkonan at a depth of between 1,500 and 4,000 m, and smut phase begins after 4000 m. However, the relative These figures should be seen as an intermediate values ​​vary from one basin to another.
And range necessary for the transformation of organic matter into oil from 5 to 100 million year time period, and can start after millions of years of organic material placed, where it is associated with movements on sedimentary basin.

Oil Engineering

Oil Engineering
Petroleum engineering is the engineering involved in the oil exploration and production activities and the search for the best ways to explore the upstream petroleum industry refers to the source of the oil, the oil is usually deeply buried beneath the surface of the earth is to provide consumers with the flow of supplies through the engineering of various Alnaftyh.moadia covered by the petroleum engineering applications ( oil) are usually closely associated with the Earth Sciences. Petroleum threads Economic Engineering, Geology, Geoscience Chemistry, Geophysics, Drilling geopolitics, knowledge management, and earthquakes, team building and teamwork, and thermodynamics, and the completion of oil and gas production, reservoir development, and transport by pipeline.
oil - petroleum
It is increasingly technical profession, which includes the purchase of the oil reserves of the places that have never explored is very difficult not economically or technology, but according to commodity prices, the use of advanced and high-speed Innovative Computing technological devices materials management and statistical team and probability analysis and knowledge management, usually coupled with the fact only Direct measurement of the most important facts because buried under a mile from the ground. Therefore, engineers must sometimes use innovative methods and consider a number of patents held used in high-tech nature certificate industry in this area.
Petroleum engineering using high technology and the use of labor and increased coordination plans, often in precarious conditions. Understanding and inventory issues, challenges and contact building these teams keep essential petroleum engineer ever. SPE is the largest professional association of oil engineers, a good source of information in oil engineering education is available in dozens of universities around the world, especially in oil-producing countries and not just the top producers. Petroleum Engineering historically the highest paid in the fields of engineering, offset this trend mass layoffs when oil prices decline.

Liquid Petroleum Gas

Liquid Petroleum Gas
Liquefied petroleum gas (also called, gas, liquefied petroleum, petroleum gas liquid, Liquid Petroleum Gas, gas Makina) is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases used as a fuel in heating and vehicle devices, and more recently the increasing use in exchange for gas chloro-Vru- carbon such as gas refrigerators to reduce the damage caused to shrink Btbakhalawzon.   Many types of LPG sold in the market depending on the season, including a majority of the mixture of propane and butane mixture majority of another, there is a mixture of them consists of 60% propane and 40% butane. Where high demand on the propane in the winter reverse the summer where the demand on more butane. In addition to material Ethanethiol with the pungent smell to detect leaks easily. This is subject to the European standard system EN 589.LPG is made during the crude oil refining process or extracted from the gas stream, or when they leave the oil out of the ground.   LPG is natural when the temperature and pressure in its gaseous state. Therefore, it is transferred to vials iron compressed, and because of this liquid expands by heat, does not fill the bottles completely, but by between 80% and 85% of capacity. And Takhtlvesbh volume of gas to liquid, depending on the chemical composition and the conditions of pressure and temperature, but usually 250 to 1. The so-called pressure that turns materiel gas compression evaporation means and this also varies according to the temperature and the type of gas, but for Bhutan pure 2 and 2 atmospheric pressure (220 kPa) at a temperature of 20 ° C. The 22 atmospheric pressure (2 and 2 MPa) at 55 ° C.Vapor pressure is the pressure at which the gas turns to liquid, which also varies depending on the circumstances mentioned earlier. Since LPG is heavier than air, it tends to cluster in low places such as the basement and the ground near the cabins, which could lead to sleep apnea, or ignition and explosion if not handled with caution.

oil - petroleum
In the case of gas leaks into the room must before everything does not turn the light switch or any key, this explosion is happening with dire consequences. It should not enter the room and in our hand cigarette fond, it also happens terrible explosion. And then you must open all the windows for ventilation and leave the gas leak to the outside. Then examine the cause of the gas leak and lock it or professionalisation.Production :   Was produced for the first time in 1910 by d. Walter Senlnj, and the first commercial production was 1912. Currently LPG contributes to cover 3% of the energy needs of the United States. While using internal combustion engines called gas machine. In many countries Moves began in 1940 as an alternative fuel in the ignition engines and recently used for diesel engines as well.
Used as fuel for cooking :   According to the 2001 census of India, 17.5% of Indian families a 33.6 million Indian family uses LPG as fuel for cooking. 76.64% of these households from urban areas of India and constitutes 48% of households in Indian cities compared to only 5.7% of household consumption in rural India. LPG powered by the government. Increase LPG prices are considered politically sensitive issue in India, where it affect the voting pattern by the middle class in cities. LPG was of great use in cooking in Hong Kong; but with the continued expansion of the company "Gas City" for the building supplies has reduced its use to less than 24% of the housing units. LPG is the most common cooking fuel in urban areas in Brazil, and used by practically all families. And poor families receive a government grant, known as "Vale Gass" used exclusively for the purchase of liquefied petroleum gas.
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